Aims and Scopes


IJISIP is publishes at the Research & Development systems, specific ideas, peer-reviewed and high-quality articles in the field of Intelligent System and Information Processing. IJISIP is a good scientific journal and an indispensable reading and reference for people working in the field of Intelligent System and Information Processing. In addition, selected articles from conferences in the fields of all Intelligent Systems areas, Artifical Intelligent and Neural Neywork,Traing, Smart software and applications, Fuzzy Logic, Smart Home application, Smart City, Image Processing, Signal Processing, Robotics, Smart Materials, Space Environment and Aviation Technology, Systems Engineering, Transport , Informatics, Bioinformatics and etc. are published in this journal.

IJISIP publishes 4 issues per year. Published papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. IJISIP covers the following topics (but not limited to):


     Intelligent Systems and Applications
     Information Processing
     Intelligent Systems in Industry
     Artifical Intelligent
     Neural Networks
     Computer and Mobil Software
     IoT Application
     Data Mining
     Fuzzy Logic
     Image Processing
     Information Technology
     Signal Processing
     Smart Homes
     Smart Cities
     Smart Vehicle
     Smart Phone Applications